Friday, February 7, 2014

The 'Art' Beat of Teaching

               Teaching is art. 
               It is a skill acquired by experience, study or observation.
               Yes, it is an art.  Teaching is the conscious use of skill and creative imagination.
               A teacher possesses the quality and a state of being artful.
               Teaching is produced through an artistic effort.
               It is an art form.
 It is formed by the unending flow of passion in bring forth knowledge
It springs from the deepest place of one’s heart. 
               If teaching is an art,
  So, it is an expression. 
Now, if it’s an expression.
It denotes feelings… emotion.
It is indeed in need of a “heart”. 
A heart that beats in every form.
It includes intellect,
Courage and
Most of all
Should it be beating in “love”?
How does our teaching beat???
Does it beat off joy?
Or does it beat out the beauty of life?
Teaching is life!  It is an art that beats! It is felt…it is seen…it is created…it is lovely.

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